Affiliate Program
Promote and Earn Referral Commissions for Life!

If you have found our tools useful, you can recommend us to other eBay sellers.

When people sign up using your unique referral link, you will earn referral commission ($14.99 USD) every time your referrals activate their store listings. And your referrals will be attached to your account for life.

Free 14-Day Trial for Your Referrals, Too

When your referrals sign up for free accounts, they will also be able to activate trial and embed their store listings for 14 days. Once when they are happy and pay for an annual activation, you will earn referral commissions.

Monthly (Net-30) Payouts

At the end of every month, our system will generate a payout record for all eligible commissions in the current month. Then, the payout record will be processed and paid out (via PayPal) by the end of the following month.

For example, all commissions earned in January will be paid out by the end of February. We try to make it as simple as possible.

Get Started

Create a free account today to obtain your unique referral link. If you already have an account, you can sign in to obtain your referral link.